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Anywhere Workout 5.3

Writer: AlchemyAlchemy

Week 5 - Workout 3

Oh guys... today is one of those we love the most! Straight strength endurance for ya.

Equipment: Plank Pull/Ring Row setup (chair with stick or knotted sheets in door), KB/DB for the RDLs (though there's a modification for that if you don't have a challenging weight for that) and a Timer


Activation Warmup


3 Rounds of

:20s Forward Plank

:20s Right Side Plank

:20s Forward Plank

5 Times through Bodyweight Flow (Video Below)


15 Minute AMRAP

Holy Trinity*


Ring Row/Plank Pull

Triceps Dips from Bench/Couch/Bed/etc.

* Pick a rep scheme for each movement (like 5 of each or 3,8,4 or whatever) and then KEEP IT throughout the 15 minutes. Get in as many reps as you can!

15 Minute AMRAP

Lowly Trinity*


RDL with DB/KB/Sack or 1/4 Squat Jump

Lunges (counting as each leg not total - forward or reverse lunges)

* Same rules as above: Pick a rep scheme for each movement (like 5 of each or 3,8,4 or whatever) and then KEEP IT throughout the 15 minutes. Get in as many reps as you can!

Cool Down

Deep breathing to get your body back to homeostasis - get that stress level back down. Stretch out those shoulders, back, neck, and glutes.

Make It a Great One!


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